We had our annual holiday party on December 14th in the Pavelcomm Warehouse Café which also doubles up as our event space. It was a great event where we were able to enjoy each other’s company, eat delicious food and enjoy a couple traditional holiday activities.
The first event was our Ugly Christmas Sweater Contest. This years contestants were Avis, Sam, Ryan, Randall, Nathan and Tammy (not pictured).

While everyone enjoyed their holiday spirit there were two winners that stood out the most. The contest was so close it was decided by ONE vote.

Randal took home 2nd place and a gift card for his creative fireplace themed ensemble.

Ryan won 1st place and a gift card with his ugly Christmas sweater outfit. He is also co-winner for best Halloween costume this year!
We ended our holiday party with the always entertaining White Elephant gift exchange. While I can’t go into detail about all the gifts a few highlights include the Natural Gas Lighter, a 6 pack of beer and lotto tickets, a giant Lindor truffle and a mechanical nose picker.

From all of us at Pavelcomm we wish you and your family happy holidays and a happy new year!